Ny 2022-2025 Strategi

Ny strategi sætter retningen for den Danske NCD Alliances fremtidige arbejde.

Efter en lang og grundig proces, udfordret af corona pandemien og store geopolitiske forandringer, har vi i tæt dialog mellem vores medlemsorganisation Lungeforeningen, Diabetesforeningen og Kræftens Bekæmpelse, samt med input fra både vores danske og østafrikanske partnere udarbejdet en ny 2022-2025 strategi som vi glade for endelig at kunne præsentere.

Strategien bygger på vores overodnet mission og vision, samt 7 strategiske fokusområder som vil forme vores internationale arbejde de kommende år.


A world free from preventable suffering, stigma, disability and death caused by non-communicable diseases.


To support empowering People Living with NCDs to organize strong and vibrant NCD Alliances in East Africa and to participate in collaborative advocacy, action and accountability for NCD prevention and control globally.   

Vores 7 fokusområder:

  • Advocacy and awareness raising - a special effort will be on promoting WHOs best buys - evidence-based and cost-effective solutions
  • Getting the East African Community seriously involved in the battle against NCDs
  • Ensuring that People Living with NCDs are consulted, involved and have a real voice in every aspect related to NCD policies and implementation
  • Paying special attention to the deepening inequalities within health and ensuring that the most vulnerable - not least people battling mental health issues and/or physical handicaps comes to the forefront in the fight against NCDs
  • Further capacity building of our young East African NCD Alliance partners
  • Supporting improved NCD research nationally and regionally
  • Increase our budget through a more diversified funding portfolio

Strategien i dens fulde længde kan findes her: Strategi 2022-2025.